This is our story!
Richardson East Baptist Church 1968-2024
Our journey began over 2000 years ago when our Loving Heavenly Father gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Alter the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, He spent 40 days ministering on earth. Just before the time of His ascension, Jesus left these parting words; "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you". Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of men; 50 years ago a young seminary student by the name of Joe Hewitt obeyed the Lord's call by bringing the good news of the gospel to Main Street in Richardson. Richardson East Baptist Church, formerly Trinity Baptist church, began as a mission of West Side Baptist in Arlington, Texas. They gathered for the first time on March 10, 1963 in a rented store building at 111 E. Main Street. Eighteen people attended that first meeting, with Rev. Joe Hewitt, a student at Bible Baptist Seminary in Arlington, serving as the church's pastor. After three months in the store building, the church moved into the Hewitt's home at 532 Apollo in Richardson. The garage served as the auditorium with a seating capacity of 35. Rooms of the home were used for Sunday school classes. Reverend Hewitt, and his family, truly lived out the verse found in Joshua 24. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord". The church was officially organized a few months later on September 1, as an Independent Baptist Church. At that time, Reverend Hewitt officially became our church's first pastor. For the remainder of that year, Sunday morning services moved to a local community center on Lochwood in Richardson, however, Sunday and Wednesday evening services continued to be held at the home of the Hewitt's. Reverend Hewitt graduated from Bible Baptist Seminary in 1965, and shortly thereafter, the church joyfully moved into its own building at 512 East Main Street, where it stands to this day. Rev. Hewitt faithfully served for 13 years. In the spring of 1976, Rev. Hewitt resigned as the senior pastor of Trinity Baptist, and Rev. Bill Shaw was called to be the new pastor. He served for the remainder of that year. Rev. Hewitt then returned as interim Pastor, and under his leadership the church became an active member of the Southern Baptist Association. Shortly thereafter, Trinity returned to its roots and became a mission of Northlake Baptist Church, Dallas, where Rev. Henry Odle presided. Pastor Odle preached for several weeks while helping the pulpit committee search for another pastor. However, it wasn't long before Trinity was once again standing on its own and shinning as a beacon of light to the community. For on March 27, 1977, Reverend J.D. Wallace was called to serve as the new Pastor of Trinity Baptist, and under his leadership the church body voted to rename the church. On April 27, Richardson East Baptist Church became the official name of our body of believers. In 2006, the fellowship of REBC felt the Lord lead them to ask Pastor Wayne Lewis to serve as the senior pastor of Richardson East. Pastor Lewis was saved at the age of 28 in a little Baptist Church in North Central Kentucky. He attended Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. He severed under the mentorship of Dr. O. S. Hawkins as the Associate Pastor at First Baptist Church Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Pastor Lewis has served in the ministry for 32 years in many different capacities, and is now the beloved current Pastor of REBC. Over the years Jesus has faithfully tended His flock at Richardson East Baptist Church. He has brought a number of different servant leaders to meet the needs of His church, and to reach the city He cares so much for. We have served under changing leadership, and the members have come and gone, but one thing has remained the same over this amazing 50 year journey. We are the Rock, on which Jesus has built His church, and we will faithfully execute the office of our ministry to make disciples of men; "and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth". Acts 1:8 Jesus is our story, and we are sticking with Him.
Grow your relationship with the lord
Experience spiritual growth and fulfillment by becoming a member of our church and joining us on our journey with the Lord!
512 East Main Street Richardson TX 75081 US